Lost or Broken Mini Key Replacement
If your Mini Key has been lost or broken, we have the equipment and the experience to assist you with our mobile key replacement service. Rather than having to wait up to 10 working days and having your car towed to the main dealer if all of your Mini keys have been lost we can supply and program a replacement key with our Mini key replacement service at the car's location on the same day.
Spare Mini Key Replacement
If you have a working key that starts the engine, we can supply and program a spare Mini key to your vehicle with our Mini Key Replacement Service. We advise for everyone to get a spare key done while they have a key as it will save you money and hustle in the future if the key get's lost or locked inside the vehicle.
Mini Key Programming
If your Remote fob or the transponder chip de-synchronised and your car key stopped working, you'll need specialist equipment to re-sychnronise the car key. The electronic key fobs and the transponder chips need to be synchronised to your vehicle. The transponder chip sends out a unique signal to the vehicle's immobiliser.
The signal that's received from the car key needs to match with your vehicle, which needs to be programmed so that you'll be able to start the car. Our Mini specialists will be happy to help you give us a call today.
Mini Vehicle Entry - Car Door Opening Damage Free
If your car keys have been locked in your vehicle, our experienced technicians are able to gain entry to the vehicle by pick locking the locks on the car and not leaving any trace or causing damage to the vehicle.
Models Covered For Mini Key Replacement - Mini Key Programming
Mini First Generation
Mini R50 - R51 - R52 - R53
Mini Key Replacement
Mini Key Programming
Mini Second Generation
Mini R55 - R56 - R57 - R58 - R59 - R60
Mini Key Replacement
Mini Key Programming
Mini Third Generation
Mini F54 - F55 - F56 - F57 - F60
Mini Key Replacement
Mini Key Programming
Mini Hatch Key Replacement
Mini Cabrio Key Repalcement
Mini Cooper Key Replacement
Mini One Key Replacement
Mini Coupe Key Replacement
Mini JCW Key Replacement
Mini Clubman Key Replacement
Mini Hatchback Key Replacement
Mini Countryman Key Replacement
Mini Convertible Key Replacement